Issue #43

March 1985

Table Of Contents

Issue #43 Cover Meredy Amyx
Nugatory Contrivances (and other odd devices) Paul W. Healy A guide to shopping for special friends (and a peril to your pocketbook)
An Open Letter to Andy Rooney Gareth Penn Cogent thoughts on the growing problem of malpractice litigation
A Modest Proposal: Buy Nature Richard Mullen Solutions for both economic and environmental concerns
Stories I May Never Write Meredy Amyx A nickel's worth of ideas for the taking
Yet Another Diet Plan George Towner

A little bonus you might not have expected from an Ecphorizer subscription

An Aëroplane for Icarus (An Achronism) I E. E. Rehmus A flight to the realms of fancy and far beyond
Opera Review: Kovantschina Joy Robb
Las Vacaciones Susan Packie Better check with your travel agent before you buy your ticket
Scene Restaurant: By Neonlight Wes Hight
Letters - Issue 43
Editorial Issue #43 Richard Amyx