Issue #26

October 1983

Table Of Contents

Issue #26 Cover Burt Schmitz
Sermon No. P=P+1 (IF P=502 THEN 86) Ed Rehmus Creating great literature from GOTO statements
Paint It Yellow Gareth Penn Be it ever so horrible there's no place like dome
Confessions of a Dictionary Addict John Cumming Old dictionaries never die, fortunately
Notes of a Magaziner XII Paul W. Healy Davy and the Goblin rides again
passage from
Letter From Suriname III Katharine Mitchell Running a revolution is often hard work
Features and Humor    
I Gotta Have That! Bill Harvey The joys and sorrows of impulse buying
The Censor's Art Burt Schmitz
Great Expectations Doug Chang
Mullah Nasruddin Cheryl Leff