The Ecphorizer
Nipseh, khali-kili haftir loftan Kalashnikov: Thank you for showing me your gun. Fekr gabul cardan davat paeh gush divar manus: I am happy to lie down on the floor with my hands up. Shornaeh fekr tamomeh qeh gofteh bande. Dufte: I agree with everything you say or think. Really. Nipseh, auto arraregh davateman dunke sepaheh-hast: Thank you for allowing me to travel in the trunk of your car. Fashal-eh tupehman na degat, mano gofteh chesahayeh mohema telesvarman: In return for not harming my genitals, I will gladly betray my country on television. Khreld, jepahan maneh gofteh degat jurnalino va jayei-i Amerikanya: Of course I will tell you the names of the reporters who are actually American spies. Ghermez ahlieh, Ghorban: Theblindfold fits perfectly, Excellency. Tikeh nuneh ba ob khreleh bezorg va khjruba boyast ino begheram. Vo nagra zipe: The bread crumbs in water are delicious. I must have the recipe. Etehfor'an derati-i otageh smikrastam khe'do hafte ba garbanzas na Sheereel Tigz: Truly, a night as a hostage is better than a year lying with the body of Cheryl Tiegs. ![]() More Articles by Captured on the Xerox Circuit |
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