Contacting The Ecphorizer Online


Important Note about Spam:
Like many other innocent web sites, The Ecphorizer has been a daily target of spammers.  Not only do we get spam but our address has been spoofed in such a way that unwary recipients see it as benign email from The Ecphorizer.

We're sorry that the price of high technology includes such nefarious schemes, and we do our best to prevent spoofing of our address.

However, even our best efforts to filter out incoming spam are sadly deficient.  If you've sent an email and haven't gotten an answer, please bear with us.  We try to keep up with legitimate correspondence. 

To provide constructive feedback to the Editor, please send an email to us. You may send comments or suggestions about the layout, content, or general setup of this site to the Editor, who will answer all enquiries.


Articles to be considered for publication should also be emailed to us as well. Please be sure to include your own email address so I can follow up with you. All contributors are encouraged to send a short biography as well as your life interests.


Contacting Authors:
Some authors don't mind receiving comments or constructive criticism regarding their works. These authors have graciously allowed us to include their email address at the foot of their articles.


On the other hand, many authors prefer to have their mail handled through the Editor. If you'd like to contact any of these writers, please send an email our way and be sure to include the author's name in your subject line. I'll forward these notes to the proper person.


Stray Authors:
Much of the material published in this forum was previously published in the original Ecphorizer printed editions. Efforts have been made to contact many of these authors and artists but we haven't always been successful. If you find a piece that you created contained in this forum, please contact the Editor and we'll arrange for further credit, or removal if that's your desire.


Unless otherwise specified in the footer or About box, all original work in this forum is copyright by The Ecphorizer Online. Credit for previous publication, where known, is always given to the publication and the editor at the time of previous publication.


Errors and Mistakes:
Nobody's perfect and since I am the typist, all typgraphical mistakes and grammatical errors are entirely mine. Let me know if you find an egregious problem!