The Ecphorizer
There was an old lecher named Skinner Who took a young lady to dinner. He used operants To get into her pants; Behavior-mod got Skinner in-er. There was a young fellow named Pete, Whose behavior was somewhat offbeat. He'd squash little chicks, With shovels and picks, And sigh when the act was complete. Homo-erotical Bob Got his pleasure in life from his job. His friends were all kind To him in this bind They found him a lovable slob... He's a Mensan from Berkeley and contributes in this issue to our growing storehouse of limericks, most of which are unprintable. |
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Must we all be soft and pink
With matching faces that you remember? Mine is plain and
God damned strong With interesting crevices You might fall into When not watching out. I have hands that hold Gently - that comfort - That move you to communicate No Cinderella - No sleeping beauty - A soul A heart A mind Testimony that outlives Miss America's qualifications... A poet with a Ph.D. in psychology, Marilyn Ducati relieves her more serious writing with occasional publications under the pseudonym "Erotica Smith." More Articles by Marilyn Ducati |
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