The Ecphorizer
When I was in high school I passed through a phase of fascination with the ads in such magazines as Popular Mechanics. Most of them proposed to set you on the road to power and fortune with a minimum of effort — "at home in your spare time," in fact. [quoteright] At one stage I carried my fascination to the point of investing in a hundred post cards and responding to that many ads. My mailbox groaned for two years afterwards. I even discovered that the price of Charles Atlas's Secret of Dynamic Tension dropped to $3.50 if you ignored his letters long enough. One memorable ad's headline proclaimed: "Don't Envy the Plumber — Be One." It was not until I became a homeowner that I grasped the full import of this message. These reminiscences lead up to a proposal that I would like to make to this magazine's readers and contributors: Edit THE ECPHORIZER at Home in your Spare Time.
GEORGE TOWNER, travel bum turned editor, writes about the former occupation while trying to find new talent for the latter. The question is: would a really good editor accept the stuff he prints in these pages? We should try a change of command and see. You can read about George's latest book here! More Articles by George Towner |
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