The Ecphorizer

Andrew Marvell
'Duardo de la Mancha

Issue #13 (September 1982)

Had he but words enough, and time
He would be suited to our clime;
His mistress could decline and balk
While Marvell never ceased to talk
In adoration of each breast,
Yet never put her to the test.
Time's winged chariot urged him on,
But he would prate and prate anon,
Till, bored, she all his lust declined,
Convinced he'd only f-- her MIND! 

He is a doctor and a poet who lives in Guatamala

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Ode to the Dietic Vegetarian
Tom Horti

Issue #13 (September 1982)

(Or, When I was Anhungered and Athirst, 0 Brussels
Sprout with Buttered Breadcrumbs, Where Were You?)

The parsnip and the artichoke
Are not for me. And not for me
The turnip, crook'd neck squash,
And gassy kohlrabi.

The cabbage and the lowly leek
I leave alone. I leave alone
The soup greens, white radishes,
And peppers in the minstrone.

But spinach (creamed), corn-on-the--cob
Is fit for kings. And fit for kings
The potato, rice wild or tame
And all such fattening things!  

Our readers will remember Tom Horti for his grim little story of post-nuclear life in the March Ecphorizer.  Among other things, Tom is an expert in wholistic massage.

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