Issue #13

September 1982

Table Of Contents

Issue #13 Cover Dorey Evans
Drawn Onward Josefa Heifetz Word:  Do no words revers'd, row on odd row
The Invisible Fluid Gareth Penn The rise and fall of the playing of musical glasses
Epigrams and Epitaphs John Cumming Packing a big punch in a few well-chosen words
The Incredible Shrinking Dollar David Koblick How to get the most for your dollar when buying francs, marks, lira, etc.
The First Mensa Group
Notes of a Magaziner II Paul W. Healy Magazines of 100 years ago reveal that things haven't changed much
More Monarchial Doggerel Dick Ahrens
Poor Richard's Almanac XVI R(ichard) Bradner Mead
The Ecphorizer Review Tod Wicks & The Staff
Andrew Marvell 'Duardo de la Mancha
Ode to the Dietic Vegetarian Tom Horti
Prayer du Jour Lisa Barrigan Basker