The Ecphorizer

Letters - Issue 45

Issue #45 (May 1985)

Dear Editor:

Noting in the February issue that the hermaphrodite which terms itself "Lottie Fish-Bate" is no longer going to pollute the pages of The Ecphorizer, I can only express my sincere delight.

The reason that men have a willingness to die for their governments is that the females have always hid behind their skirts whenever their government sought their aid in time of crisis. The force of having only young men register for a military draft or go to jail is blithely overlooked by the femaIe-libbers, even though there is the rankest sexual discrimination that has ever disgraced this country.

I would suggest that females stick to their pots, pans, and diapers rather than try to interfere with the perogatives of men as long as only men are the ones to guard and protect those freedoms that females so blatantly flaunt.

Roy W. Johne
Iron Mountain, MI

[line width="40%"]Dear Editor:

Burt Schmitz just wrote to say that the reason that The Ecphorizer hasn't been coming out lately is that Richard Amyx put all the copies in the rear of his car, which was then stolen, proving that one should not put all his Ecks in one back seat...

I suppose you know why every public facility in Bilbao is required to have at least two ways out...

Gareth Penn
San Rafael, CA

No, do tell us.

It's so they don't put all their Basques in one exit. [Gareth]  

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