The Ecphorizer
Biology... |
Margot Treitel |
Issue #37 (September 1984)
Biology... is not your field. But you like to think of Mendel shaking pollen in his peas, Darwin lifting a stone, looking under. Some days you feel the source move like a simple spliced-up worm that carries parts of the same old story. There's rat again running your maze, a bee signals honey. Duck, this ridiculous loving figure, follows an orange balloon. This head most like your head lies open. Neurons self-destruct like small appliances. But you like to think of yourself as species that adapts to change, selects a few tools, a brilliant coat of many colors. And as you move |
from room to room, the house lets in a little sun and air, improves with age. The mirror smiles back with infinite regress. You're not a worm, a rat, a duck. Many times now you've been told you are yourself, alone, unlike each of the many others of your kind, which is why you alone perform this miracle of asking Who I am. |
More Articles by Margot Treitel
Contributor Profile
Margot Treitel
Margot Treitel has published her poetry in Chicago Review, Prairie Schooner, College English, Hollins Critic, and the Literary Review and a host of other magazines. She has also taught English in West Africa.
Letters |
Issue #37 (September 1984)
This is to update my contribution, "Ceveat emptor," which appeared in the August 1982 issue of The Eck.
Foreign Service Institute language courses can be ordered from the National Audio-Visual Center of the General Services Administration in Washington, D.C. They will take Mastercard and Visa orders by phone. Their toll-free number is 800/638-1300.
Under the Reagan administration, GPO publications have gone up in price in an effort to lessen the budgetary deficits the Government is running up. The prices now charged for the FSI courses are therefore quite a bit higher than I indicated in my article. The first 15 units of the Spanish course, for instance, is now $70, which includes both the books and fifteen tape cassettes. By comparison, however, this 15-unit package can be purchased from American Express for $300.
Best to you,
Gareth Penn
Gareth Penn
Contributor Profile
Margot Treitel
Margot Treitel has published her poetry in Chicago Review, Prairie Schooner, College English, Hollins Critic, and the Literary Review and a host of other magazines. She has also taught English in West Africa.