The Ecphorizer

Gareth Penn

Issue #30 (February 1984)

In the January issue of the Eck there appeared an article under my byline, titled "One Zero Zero." Accompanying the text were several exhibits illustrating points made in the text. Unfortunately, the exhibits as printed had nothing to do with the text. What you printed with "One Zero Zero" was from the sequel, "Son of One Zero Zero." I guess you were misled by the family resemblance.

In any case, here are the missing pieces. The first is the 13-character cipher, in the Zodiac's own handwriting, and the second is my digital reading -- 1 for block letters, 0 for circles - and redivision. As mentioned in the original contribution, I read the inverted umbrella, which belongs to neither of the other two sets of figures, as a break.

Right church, wrong pew!

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Contributor Profile

Gareth Penn

Gareth Penn is probably best known as the greatest amateur Zodiac sleuth after his many articles in The Ecphorizer that lead to the identity of Zodiac. However, Penn is much more than that as he has a keen inquisitive mind that finds an interesting story in just about anything from a memorial to a little-known soldier in a park in Vallejo, CA, to his notes about animals, to plumbing the depths of the limerick. Penn's prolific pen is evident in that he has made a contribution to every issue of The Ecphorizer up through Issue #33 (and counting!).