The Ecphorizer

The Ecphorizer Review - Part II
The Staff

Issue #14 (October 1982)

Did you miss out on these goodies?

Faithful readers of THE ECPHORIZER will remember that last month we started a review of our first year's efforts. We had room for only the first eight issues, and continue this month with the remaining third of last year. But before venturing forth, we'd like to thank Nick Turner, Diana Holmes, Daunna Minnich, and Diane Reynolds for their fine efforts in writing these reviews for us.

The "Contributors" column1 of  Issue #9 mistakenly left off credit to Ellen Thomsen for its cover. The lead article, by polymath Ed Van Vleck, was "The Naked Doctor Test," wherein we were asked such T/F questions as "Obesity is very probably congenital" (T). A sexy worm cartoon was rendered by Polly Pitkin Ryan, and cur overseas computer expert, Herb Grosch wrote about his experiences in South Africa. Liz Barry wrote a fond farewell letter to her paramour in print, Willie, and John Cumming lead us through a review of a Dictionary of Gambling. Don Gerber bemoaned the lack of super leaded gasoline for "fine older cars," Nikolai Et cetera-ski started a puzzle column, Elna Tymes captured a missive about cucumbers vs. men on the Xerox circuit. Other humor was the Dave Smith SAD/PL software review. It also included "Gone With the 25¢ Potroast" (Gareth Penn), Poetry by Joyce Hurwitz and Jerry McCann, and an exchange of letters between Brad Mead and Gareth Penn.

The prolific pen of Dorey Moore provided an alternate view of Mensa for the cover of Issue #10. Inside, a weird melange of flavors began with a piece by Polly Pitkin Ryan on alien intelligence. Gareth Penn had some thoughts on some rather bizarre pets, and a fascinating report by George Towner and Martha Johnson detailed some of their adventures in the deserts of the Sudan. Lisa Barringer Basker complained about "Dumb Stuff" and Don Gerber spoke his mind about gun control. Another ridiculous letter from Mburg arrived, in which Warren Fogard revealed an appreciation for poetry! Also in #10 were short pieces by R. Bradner Mend, Barry Leff, John Cumming, and Nicholai Ivanovich Lobachevsky, as well as a rather substantial miscellany of tidbits from various sources. What a strange issue...

Issue $11 bore the label legend "SUB EXPIRES NEXT ISSUE." It also brought us more Gareth Penn (limericks), more John Cuniming (fallacies), more Polly Ryan (intelligent people), Ken Uhland (another data dump), and computer articles from Frank Klotz and Robin Winburn. Allen Pettit treated us to fiction, ted kelly to a song lyric/ballad, and Dave Durst to travel trivia. "Other People's Mail" made an appearance (Mark Russell meets Kay Grant and is impressed) and there were three letters responding to Lisa Barrigan Basker's "Dumb Stuff" article in issue #10. We were "covered" by Kim Cooper's unicorn and "cartooned" by S. Robert Tunick.

Issue #12 featured cover art by Ellen Thomsen, a discussion of courtship & romance by Allen Pettit, and a fond remembrance of a magazine collection by Paul Healy. George Towner and Martha Johnson offered a travelog of their trip to India, Claire Taylor X for izer'd the alphabet, Gareth Penn warned us of foreign language courses that do no more than help us describe our gallstones. Barry Leff gave us observations of Reagonomics and Lisa Barrigan Basker offered us hope to cope with living in the Bay Area. Poetry was provided by 'Duardo de la Mancha and Carl Partlow. John Cumnming exposed yet more meaningless words, and centerfold photographer Tod Wicks' camera revealed the inner workings of the ECPHORIZER staff.
1.  Note:  The original print issues printed a list of all the contributors and short biographies on the inside back cover.  I changed this when I began reprinting those issues; now a short biography appears to the right of the article.  -Tod, 2006 

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